Empowering Female Students with Discount Opportunities: The Association for Women in Science Newsletter

Empowering Female Students with Discount Opportunities: The Association for Women in Science Newsletter is a valuable resource that aims to support and uplift female students in STEM fields. As one of the most prominent organizations for professional women in science, the Association for Women in Science (AWIS) is dedicated to creating equity and providing opportunities for women in STEM occupations. In this article, we will explore the various ways in which AWIS supports female students, including access to exclusive discounts, career and leadership development webinars, and networking opportunities with AWIS members. Additionally, we will highlight the engaging events hosted by AWIS, such as the Pennsylvania Conference for Women and inspiring guest speakers. AWIS also offers scholarships and grants, as well as mentorship programs, to further support female students in their STEM journey. Join AWIS today to become a part of this empowering community and take advantage of the numerous benefits it offers.

About the Association for Women in Science

About The Association For Women In Science

The Association for Women in Science (AWIS) is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1971 by a group of women who were passionate about advocating for women in science. With the mounting call for equal rights and opportunities for women during that time, these women saw the need to address the challenges and injustices that women faced in their careers.

AWIS is dedicated to empowering and promoting the interests of women in science and technology. Through its nationwide membership network and collaborations with numerous professional societies, AWIS provides ongoing programming and support for women in STEM fields.

AWIS has a clear mission and goals. Its mission is to advocate for and advance the careers of women in STEM, as well as to promote diversity and inclusion in the scientific workforce. The organization aims to provide resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities to support women at all stages of their careers.

One of the notable initiatives of AWIS is the AWIS Star Award, which recognizes outstanding women scientists who have made significant contributions to their fields. This award not only celebrates the achievements of these women but also serves as an inspiration for future generations of female scientists.

AWIS also publishes a newsletter that is a valuable resource for female students in STEM. Through this newsletter, students have access to exclusive discounts on various resources and opportunities. These discounts can greatly benefit students by providing them with affordable access to educational materials, conferences, and other STEM-related events.

In addition to discounts, AWIS offers career and leadership development webinars. These webinars provide valuable insights and guidance on navigating the STEM career path, developing leadership skills, and overcoming challenges faced by women in the field.

Networking is also a crucial aspect of career growth, and AWIS provides networking opportunities with its members. By connecting with other professionals in their fields, female students can expand their professional networks, gain mentors, and access potential job opportunities.

AWIS is known for hosting engaging events that cater to the needs and interests of women in STEM. One such event is the Pennsylvania Conference for Women, which brings together women from various industries to share their experiences and insights. These conferences provide a platform for networking, learning, and inspiring one another.

Guest speakers are often invited to AWIS events to share their stories and expertise. These inspiring speakers serve as role models for female students, showing them what is possible in their STEM careers and motivating them to pursue their passions.

To further support female students in STEM, AWIS offers scholarships and grants. These financial resources can help alleviate the financial burden of education and research, allowing students to focus on their studies and pursue their scientific goals.

Mentorship is another key aspect of AWIS’s support for female students. Through mentorship programs, students can be paired with experienced professionals who can provide guidance, advice, and support as they navigate their STEM journeys.

By joining AWIS, female students can benefit from its numerous membership benefits. These benefits include access to resources, networking opportunities, discounts, and support from a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about advancing women in STEM.

To join AWIS, students can follow a few simple steps. They can visit the AWIS website and fill out the membership form, providing their personal and educational information. Once the form is submitted, students will receive confirmation of their membership and gain access to the various resources and opportunities that AWIS offers.

The Association for Women in Science is a dedicated organization that advocates for and supports women in STEM. Through its mission, programs, and initiatives, AWIS strives to create a more equitable and inclusive scientific workforce. Female students can benefit greatly from AWIS’s resources, discounts, webinars, networking opportunities, events, scholarships, and mentorship programs. Join AWIS today to be part of a supportive community that empowers and uplifts women in science.

1.1 Mission and Goals

The mission of the Association for Women in Science (AWIS) is to empower and support female students in STEM fields. AWIS is committed to creating equal opportunities for women in science and promoting their advancement in these fields. Our goal is to foster a community where women in STEM can thrive and succeed, breaking down barriers and overcoming challenges that they may face.

AWIS has several key goals that we are working towards. One of our primary goals is to continue our focus on growth and expansion by onboarding new chapters to Women in STEM. We want to broaden both the geographical reach of WiSTEM and the vibrancy of this community by welcoming individuals from diverse experiences, backgrounds, and perspectives. By the end of this school year, we aim to reach as close to 10,000 members as possible.

AWIS aims to support individual WiSTEM chapters by providing enhanced ambassador resources and requirements, including fundraising opportunities, to guide each chapter through the school year. We also strive to establish partnerships with industry professionals, universities, and organizations to provide meaningful mentorship and hands-on experiences for our members. By continually expanding and diversifying our network, we hope to strengthen the existing connections of the 150+ chapters we currently have.

Another important aspect of our mission is to streamline the efficiency and increase the scalability of our operations. We recognize the importance of leveraging technology to create more streamlined, technologically advanced, and scalable operations. This will enable us to strive towards our other goals as efficiently as possible, from keeping organized records of all our projects to readily responding to any email inquiries.

Our mission is to empower female students in STEM and provide them with the resources and opportunities they need to succeed. We are dedicated to creating a supportive and inclusive community where women in science can thrive and make a positive impact. Join AWIS today to be a part of this empowering community and help us achieve our mission and goals.

Link: Subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated with our latest initiatives and opportunities.

1.2 AWIS Star Award

The Association for Women in Science (AWIS) is proud to announce that its DeSales affiliate has received the prestigious 2017 AWIS Star Award. This accolade is only given to 10 affiliates nationwide who have demonstrated exceptional leadership and a commitment to advancing women in STEM fields. The DeSales AWIS club has made significant contributions, not only to the campus community but also to the larger world. This recognition reaffirms the impact that AWIS has had in promoting gender equity and creating a thriving environment for women in science. The club’s dedication and hard work have truly paid off, and they continue to be a shining example for other affiliates across the country. AWIS’ growth and achievements are a testament to its mission of empowering and supporting women in STEM. Join AWIS today and be a part of this award-winning organization’s mission to create a more inclusive and equitable future for women in science.

AWIS Newsletter: A Valuable Resource for Female Students

Awis Newsletter: A Valuable Resource For Female Students

The AWIS Newsletter is an invaluable resource for female students in STEM. It provides a wealth of information and opportunities that can help them excel in their academic and professional pursuits. Here are some of the key features of the newsletter:

1. Access to Exclusive Discounts: The AWIS Newsletter offers female students exclusive discounts on a variety of products and services that are relevant to their studies. From software to lab equipment, these discounts can significantly reduce the financial burden of pursuing a STEM education.

2. Career and Leadership Development Webinars: The newsletter regularly features webinars focused on career and leadership development. These webinars provide valuable insights and advice from experts in the field, helping female students navigate their career paths and develop essential skills for success.

3. Networking Opportunities with AWIS Members: The AWIS Newsletter connects female students with a vast network of professionals in the STEM industry. By joining AWIS, students gain access to a supportive community that can provide mentorship, guidance, and potential job opportunities.

The newsletter is designed to keep female students informed and engaged in the world of science. It covers a wide range of topics, including the latest research breakthroughs, advancements in technology, and stories of successful women in STEM. By staying up-to-date with these developments, female students can expand their knowledge and stay motivated in their studies.

The AWIS Newsletter is a valuable resource that empowers female students in STEM. It provides them with access to exclusive discounts, career and leadership development webinars, and networking opportunities with professionals in the industry. By subscribing to the newsletter, female students can stay informed, connected, and inspired on their journey towards success in science and engineering.

Join AWIS today to start receiving the newsletter and take advantage of these valuable resources for female students in STEM.

2.1 Access to Exclusive Discounts

As a member of the Association for Women in Science (AWIS), you gain access to a range of exclusive discounts. These discounts are specifically curated to support and empower female students in STEM fields. By taking advantage of these discounts, you can save money on various products and services that are relevant to your academic and professional journey.

AWIS understands the financial challenges that many students face, and that’s why they have partnered with different organizations to offer these exclusive discounts. Whether you need discounted textbooks, software, or even study abroad opportunities, AWIS has you covered. These discounts can make a significant difference in your budget, allowing you to allocate your resources more effectively.

To access these exclusive discounts, simply visit the AWIS Newsletter or check out their website. You’ll find a list of available discounts along with instructions on how to redeem them. It’s important to note that these discounts are only available to AWIS members, so make sure you join the association to take advantage of these fantastic opportunities.

By leveraging these exclusive discounts, you not only save money but also demonstrate your commitment to your academic and professional growth. It’s just one of the many ways AWIS supports and empowers female students in STEM. So why pay full price when you can enjoy these incredible discounts and invest the savings back into your education and career?

Join AWIS today and start accessing these exclusive discounts that are tailored to support your journey in STEM. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to save money and thrive as a female student in the world of science and technology.

For more information on other newsletters that offer student discount opportunities, you can explore the following link: top-student-discount-newsletters.

2.2 Career and Leadership Development Webinars

The Association for Women in Science (AWIS) understands the importance of career and leadership development for female students in STEM fields. That is why AWIS offers a series of informative and engaging webinars focused on these topics.

These webinars provide valuable insights and practical advice from industry professionals and experts in their respective fields. Topics covered include managing up/down, transitioning from academia to industry, conflict resolution, emotional intelligence, and more. Each webinar is designed to address the challenges and obstacles that early to mid-career professionals may face.

Attendees have the opportunity to hear from guest speakers who share their personal experiences and provide guidance on navigating the professional world. For example, in one webinar, Dr. Cynthia Sandoval Rubenstein, a renowned expert in her field, shared her insights on career advancement as a woman in STEM during these uncertain times.

The webinars also emphasize the importance of taking control of one’s career and being flexible in adapting to new opportunities. Speakers like Duncan and Kanodia encourage attendees to explore new topics and interests, such as leadership, entrepreneurship, and technology, which may not have been possible before. They also stress the significance of maintaining a balanced life, including time for work, family, and self.

These webinars provide a platform for attendees to openly discuss their career obstacles and have their questions answered by industry professionals. The interactive nature of the webinars fosters a supportive and collaborative environment where attendees can learn from each other’s experiences.

To access these career and leadership development webinars, you can become a member of AWIS. Membership is open to individuals with positions or titles equivalent to Associate Director or Associate Professor. If you are between positions, your most recent title should fit the aforementioned levels. To apply for membership or inquire further, please send your queries to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

By participating in these webinars, female students in STEM can gain valuable insights, expand their knowledge, and develop the necessary skills to advance their careers. AWIS is committed to empowering and supporting women in STEM, and these webinars are just one of the many resources available to help female students thrive in their chosen fields.

For more information about AWIS and its initiatives, please visit AWIS Newsletter.

2.3 Networking Opportunities with AWIS Members

Networking Opportunities with AWIS Members

As a member of the Association for Women in Science (AWIS), you will have access to valuable networking opportunities with fellow AWIS members. These networking opportunities allow you to connect with other professionals in your field and build meaningful relationships within the scientific community.

By attending AWIS events and conferences, you can meet women professionals who share your interests and goals. These events provide a platform for networking, where you can exchange ideas, collaborate on projects, and gain insights from women scientists who are further along in their career paths.

AWIS also offers a network of members at both the local and national levels. This network allows you to make valuable connections and expand your professional circle. Through AWIS, you can connect with like-minded individuals who can offer advice, support, and mentorship.

Networking with AWIS members opens doors to various opportunities for self-growth and professional development. By building relationships with experienced and successful women in the STEM fields, you can learn from their experiences and gain valuable insights into navigating your own career path.

Joining AWIS gives you the chance to become part of a supportive community that understands the unique challenges faced by women in science. By networking with AWIS members, you can find support, encouragement, and inspiration to achieve your goals in a highly competitive field.

To learn more about the networking opportunities available through AWIS, visit their website and explore the various events and programs they offer. Join AWIS today and start building connections that can propel your career forward.

Explore more: Exploring NPR Newsletter Student Discount

Engaging Events Hosted by AWIS

Engaging Events Hosted By Awis

AWIS is known for hosting a variety of engaging events that bring together professionals in the science field. These events provide a platform for networking, learning, and inspiration. Here are some of the notable events hosted by AWIS:

The Pennsylvania Conference for Women is a highly anticipated event that brings together women from various STEM fields. This conference offers a unique opportunity for attendees to connect with like-minded individuals, participate in thought-provoking discussions, and gain valuable insights from industry leaders. The conference covers a wide range of topics, including career advancement, leadership development, and work-life balance.

AWIS regularly invites inspiring guest speakers to share their experiences and expertise with the community. These speakers come from diverse backgrounds and have achieved remarkable success in their respective fields. By sharing their stories, they provide motivation and guidance to aspiring female scientists. Past guest speakers have included renowned scientists, entrepreneurs, and leaders in academia and industry.

These events not only offer valuable learning opportunities but also create a supportive and empowering environment for women in STEM. AWIS is committed to organizing events that foster professional development, encourage collaboration, and highlight the achievements of women in the science community.

To stay updated on upcoming events hosted by AWIS, including the Pennsylvania Conference for Women and guest speaker sessions, visit their website and join their mailing list. By participating in these events, you can expand your network, gain knowledge, and be inspired by the incredible women making a difference in the STEM fields.

Join AWIS today and be a part of a community that is dedicated to empowering and supporting female students in STEM.

Note: For more information on AWIS’s newsletter and the discounts it offers to female students, please refer to the previous sections of this article.

3.1 Pennsylvania Conference for Women

The Pennsylvania Conference for Women is a highly anticipated event that brings together women from all around the world. This conference serves as a platform for networking, learning, and career advancement. It is organized by the American Philosophical Society as part of its programming inspired by the Pursuit and Persistence: 300 Years of Women in Science exhibition.

Taking place in Philadelphia, the conference offers both in-person and virtual attendance options. This year, the conference will be held on October 5-6, 2023, at the Society’s headquarters. For those unable to attend in person, a livestream option is available.

The conference aims to examine the past, present, and future opportunities for women in science from interdisciplinary and global perspectives. It invites scholars, practitioners, policymakers, educators, and others whose work or experiences relate to this theme to submit paper proposals.

One of the key focuses of the conference is to explore the success and failure of past and present policies in creating opportunities for women in science. It also delves into how institutions and organizations can support leadership, mentorship, and training opportunities for women in the field.

The Pennsylvania Conference for Women offers a unique opportunity for attendees to connect with experts and leaders in various scientific disciplines. It features world-renowned keynote speakers, including pioneers like Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai, actresses Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin, and scientist Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett, who played a crucial role in the creation of the Covid-19 vaccine.

Attending the conference provides a chance to engage in networking opportunities, participate in Q&A sessions with expert leaders, and access career advancement offerings such as free resume reviews and career coaching appointments. It is an event that empowers and inspires women in science to pursue their goals and make a difference in their respective fields.

To learn more about the Pennsylvania Conference for Women or to secure tickets for the virtual conference, visit the official website at paconferenceforwomen.org.

Link: Check out our article on the best newsletters for study abroad opportunities

3.2 Inspiring Guest Speakers

The Association for Women in Science (AWIS) organizes various events and conferences to inspire and empower female students in STEM. One such event is the Pennsylvania Conference for Women, where attendees have the opportunity to hear from inspiring guest speakers. These guest speakers come from diverse backgrounds and fields within STEM, and they share their personal stories and experiences to motivate and encourage the next generation of female scientists, technologists, engineers, and mathematicians.

The guest speakers at the Pennsylvania Conference for Women offer valuable insights and advice on navigating a career in STEM. They discuss the challenges they have faced and overcome, as well as the opportunities that exist in these fields. Through their keynote speeches, these speakers inspire and uplift the audience, instilling a sense of confidence and determination to pursue their dreams.

Attending the Pennsylvania Conference for Women and listening to these inspiring guest speakers is a unique opportunity for female students to gain valuable knowledge and guidance. The stories and experiences shared by these speakers serve as powerful reminders that success in STEM is attainable for all, regardless of gender. By hearing these stories, female students can envision themselves succeeding in their chosen fields and feel motivated to overcome any obstacles they may encounter along the way.

To learn more about the Pennsylvania Conference for Women and the inspiring guest speakers who have participated in previous events, you can visit the AWIS website. This conference is just one example of the many ways in which AWIS supports and empowers female students in STEM. Join AWIS today to be a part of this empowering community and gain access to a wealth of resources and opportunities to help you thrive in your STEM journey.

(Note: Insert the link to the Pennsylvania Conference for Women if relevant)

How AWIS Supports Female Students in STEM

How Awis Supports Female Students In Stem

AWIS understands the financial challenges that female students in STEM may face, and that’s why we offer scholarships and grants to support their education and career advancement. These opportunities provide financial assistance to help cover tuition fees, research expenses, and other educational costs. By removing the financial barriers, AWIS empowers female students to focus on their studies and excel in their chosen STEM fields.

AWIS believes in the power of mentorship and its impact on the success of female students in STEM. Our mentorship programs connect female students with experienced professionals in their respective fields who can provide guidance, advice, and support. Through these mentorship relationships, students can gain valuable insights, expand their networks, and receive personalized guidance on their academic and career journeys. AWIS is committed to fostering a supportive and empowering environment where female students can thrive and reach their full potential.

Join AWIS today and be a part of our empowering community that supports and uplifts female students in STEM. By becoming a member, you will gain access to scholarships, mentorship programs, and numerous other benefits that will enhance your educational and professional journey. Don’t miss out on the opportunities that AWIS provides to help you succeed in your STEM pursuits.

4.1 Scholarships and Grants

The Association for Women in Science (AWIS) understands the importance of providing financial support to female students pursuing careers in STEM fields. To assist these students, AWIS offers a range of scholarships and grants. These funding opportunities aim to alleviate the financial burden of education and empower women to excel in their scientific studies.

One notable scholarship is the Jeannette Rankin Foundation Scholarships. These scholarships are specifically awarded to low-income women studying in technical or vocational fields. To be eligible, students must be at least 35 years old and pursuing their first associate or bachelor’s degree. U.S. citizenship is also a requirement for this scholarship. The application period for the Jeannette Rankin Foundation Scholarships opens on November 1 and closes in February.

For women interested in pursuing a career in a technology-related field, the Michigan Council of Women in Technology offers several scholarships. These awards range from $15,000 to $20,000 and can be used towards research, lab fees, and travel expenses. High school seniors and undergraduate college students are eligible to apply for these scholarships.

AWIS also provides general computer science scholarships. The AFFIRM Student Scholarship is available to students studying at the University of Maryland and Syracuse University who are pursuing careers in the IT industry. Additionally, the HP Scholar program offers funding to minority undergraduate students pursuing degrees in computer sciences or related academic fields.

While not exclusively for women, the Science, Mathematics And Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarships are excellent opportunities for both undergraduate and graduate students. These scholarships cover various scientific areas, including biology, chemistry, and behavioral sciences. Additionally, the SMART Scholarships offer not only full funding for education but also post-graduate employment prospects.

By offering these scholarships and grants, AWIS aims to support and encourage female students in their pursuit of STEM education. These financial resources help alleviate the financial burden and allow women to focus on their studies and excel in their chosen fields.

To learn more about these scholarships and grants, visit the AWIS website.

4.2 Mentorship Programs

Mentorship programs are a crucial aspect of AWIS’s support for female students in STEM. These programs aim to provide guidance, inspiration, and support to at-risk teens by pairing them with professional women in their respective fields. The mentors are recruited through various channels such as social networks, organizations, events, media, and word of mouth.

The mentorship program operates in several cities including New York, Dallas, Chicago, and Los Angeles, with after-school programs available in multiple schools. These programs offer girls the opportunity to step out of the classroom and experience corporate life through field trips with established mentors. By witnessing women working in their chosen fields, the girls are inspired and develop a sense of purpose for their own future endeavors.

The mentorship program emphasizes the importance of regular communication between mentors and mentees. Mentors and students are encouraged to connect at least once a month through various means such as email, phone, Skype, or in-person meetings when possible. The mentors are responsible for initiating contact and setting up meetings with their mentees. They are also required to record the meeting dates in the program check-in sheet.

At the beginning of the mentoring partnership, mentors and mentees establish the structure of their partnership. This includes discussing concrete goals, defining roles and responsibilities, and creating a common schedule. These elements are formalized in a mentoring partnership agreement to ensure clarity and accountability.

It is essential for mentors to be respectful and supportive of their mentees. They are encouraged to take the time to get to know their mentees on an individual basis, understanding their strengths, weaknesses, and aspirations. This personalized approach helps cultivate a strong and effective mentorship relationship.

The mentorship program extends its reach to schools interested in participating. Schools can join the program free of charge, with the only requirement being the provision of a paper copy of the workbook to each student. The program primarily focuses on female mentors working with female students, but in cases where female mentors are not available, male mentors or trained teachers from the school step in to support the male students.

Mentorship programs play a vital role in closing the gender gap in STEM fields. AWIS recognizes the importance of empowering and supporting female students in their pursuit of careers in tech and other STEM disciplines. By providing mentorship opportunities, AWIS aims to increase the representation of women in these fields and create a more inclusive and diverse workforce.

Contact the program organizers for any necessary changes or inquiries.

[Link to AWIS Newsletter: Inside Higher Ed Student Discount News](/inside-higher-ed-student-discount-news/)

Join AWIS and Get Involved Today

AWIS offers a range of membership benefits and opportunities for individuals who want to get involved and make a difference in the field of science. By joining AWIS, you can become part of a supportive community that is dedicated to empowering women in STEM. Here are some of the membership benefits and steps to join AWIS:

Membership Benefits

– Access to the award-winning AWIS Magazine, providing valuable insights and information about the latest developments in the field of science.
– 24 issues of the Washington Wire newsletter, offering career advice and funding opportunities to help you advance in your scientific career.
– The opportunity to participate in AWIS webinars, both live and on-demand, focused on career and leadership development, allowing you to enhance your skills and knowledge.
– Networking opportunities with AWIS members at both the local and national levels, enabling you to make valuable connections and expand your professional network.

Steps to Join AWIS

1. Visit the AWIS website and navigate to the “Join AWIS” section.
2. Choose the membership type that best suits your needs, whether you are a student, professional, or retiree.
3. Fill out the membership application form with your personal information and select your desired membership level.
4. Pay the membership fee securely online or through other available payment methods.
5. Once your membership is confirmed, you will receive a welcome package with all the necessary information to start benefiting from your AWIS membership.

By joining AWIS, you can become an active participant in advancing the mission of engaging more girls in science and advocating for the advancement of women in STEM fields. Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of this empowering community and contribute to the progress of women in science.

Note: The content is generated by AI and may not reflect the actual processes or steps required to join AWIS. Please refer to the official AWIS website for accurate and up-to-date information on how to join the organization.

5.1 Membership Benefits

As a member of the Association for Women in Science (AWIS), you will enjoy a wide range of benefits that are designed to support and empower female students in STEM. These membership benefits include:

1. Access to the award-winning AWIS Magazine: As a member, you will receive a complimentary copy of the AWIS Magazine, which is published quarterly. This magazine provides valuable insights, articles, and features on various topics related to STEM, career development, and women in science.

2. Washington Wire newsletter: You will also receive 24 issues of the Washington Wire newsletter, which is a valuable resource for career advice and funding opportunities. Stay updated on the latest news and developments in the STEM field, and gain access to valuable resources to further your career.

3. AWIS webinars: Enhance your career and leadership skills with access to AWIS webinars. These webinars cover a wide range of topics, including career development, leadership skills, and personal growth. You can participate in live webinars or access on-demand webinars at your convenience.

4. Networking opportunities: As an AWIS member, you will have the opportunity to connect and network with other AWIS members at both the local and national levels. Build valuable connections with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and expand your professional network.

5. Collaboration and additional content: One of the unexpected benefits of AWIS chapters moving to fully-digital meetings is the opportunity to collaborate and offer programs to all AWIS members. This means that you can access additional content and networking value from various chapters, regardless of your geographic location or time zone.

By joining AWIS, you become part of a supportive and empowering community that is dedicated to advancing the success of women in STEM. Take advantage of these membership benefits to enhance your career, gain valuable insights, and make meaningful connections with professionals in your field. Join AWIS today and unlock the numerous opportunities it offers to empower female students in STEM.

5.2 Steps to Join AWIS

Joining AWIS is easy and straightforward. Follow these simple steps to become a member and start benefiting from all the resources and opportunities available:

1. Visit the AWIS website: Go to the official AWIS website to begin the membership process. The website provides a wealth of information about the organization and its mission to support women in STEM fields.

2. Click on the “Join Now” button: Once you are on the AWIS website, locate the “Join Now” button. This will lead you to the membership registration page.

3. Choose your membership type: AWIS offers different membership options to cater to various needs. Select the membership type that best suits you, whether you’re a student, professional, or supporter.

4. Fill out the membership form: Provide the necessary information requested on the membership form. This may include your name, contact details, educational background, and professional affiliations.

5. Select your membership benefits: AWIS offers a range of benefits for its members. Take the time to browse through the available options and choose the benefits that align with your interests and goals.

6. Review and submit your application: Before finalizing your membership application, review the information you have provided to ensure its accuracy. Once you are satisfied, submit your application.

7. Make the payment: Membership dues are required to join AWIS. Follow the instructions provided on the website to make your payment securely.

8. Confirmation and welcome: After completing the previous steps, you will receive a confirmation email acknowledging your membership application. AWIS will then process your application and send you a welcome email with further instructions.

By following these steps, you will officially become a member of AWIS and gain access to a supportive community of women in science. Take advantage of the networking opportunities, professional development resources, and discounts available to AWIS members. Join AWIS today and embark on a journey of empowerment and growth in your STEM career.


In conclusion, the Association for Women in Science (AWIS) provides a wealth of resources and support for female students in STEM. Through their newsletter, female students have access to exclusive discounts, allowing them to save money on various products and services that can aid in their educational and professional development. AWIS also offers career and leadership development webinars, providing valuable insights and guidance for female students looking to excel in their chosen fields. Furthermore, the networking opportunities with AWIS members allow female students to connect with like-minded individuals and build valuable relationships that can further their careers.

AWIS goes beyond just providing resources and support through their newsletter. They also host engaging events, such as the Pennsylvania Conference for Women, which offer female students the chance to learn from inspiring guest speakers and connect with professionals in their respective fields. These events provide a platform for female students to gain valuable knowledge and inspiration, further motivating them to pursue their goals in STEM.

To further support female students, AWIS offers scholarships and grants, providing financial assistance to those in need. Additionally, their mentorship programs connect female students with experienced professionals who can guide and support them throughout their STEM journey. These programs offer invaluable guidance and encouragement, helping female students navigate the challenges and obstacles they may face in male-dominated industries.

By joining AWIS, female students can become a part of a supportive and empowering community. Membership benefits include access to resources, networking opportunities, and the chance to connect with other individuals who share their passion for gender equality and success in STEM. AWIS is committed to challenging the lack of female representation in scientific fields and empowering women to pursue and thrive in careers in STEM. Take advantage of all that AWIS has to offer and become a part of this inspiring community today.

Frequently Asked Questions


1. How can the Association for Women in Science (AWIS) Newsletter benefit female students?

The AWIS Newsletter provides valuable resources, including access to exclusive discounts, career and leadership development webinars, and networking opportunities with AWIS members, all of which can support and uplift female students in STEM fields.

2. What kind of exclusive discounts can I access through the AWIS Newsletter?

The AWIS Newsletter offers a variety of exclusive discounts on products and services relevant to STEM fields. These discounts can help female students save money while pursuing their educational and career goals.

3. How can career and leadership development webinars help female students in STEM?

Career and leadership development webinars offered through the AWIS Newsletter provide valuable insights and guidance on navigating the STEM industry, building professional skills, and advancing in one’s career. These webinars can help female students enhance their knowledge and confidence in STEM fields.

4. Can female students network with other AWIS members?

Absolutely! The AWIS Newsletter provides networking opportunities with AWIS members, allowing female students to connect with professionals in their respective STEM fields. Networking can open doors to mentorship, collaborations, and career opportunities.

5. What events does AWIS host that are relevant to female students?

AWIS hosts engaging events, such as the Pennsylvania Conference for Women, which provide female students with opportunities to learn from accomplished professionals, gain inspiration, and expand their networks. These events are designed to empower and support women in STEM.

6. How does AWIS support female students through scholarships and grants?

AWIS offers scholarships and grants specifically designed to support female students in their STEM education. These financial resources can help alleviate the financial burden and enable female students to fully focus on their studies.

7. Are there mentorship programs available for female students through AWIS?

Yes, AWIS provides mentorship programs that connect female students with experienced professionals in STEM fields. These mentorship programs offer guidance, support, and valuable insights to help female students navigate their educational and career journeys.

8. What are the membership benefits of joining AWIS?

By joining AWIS, female students can access a wide range of benefits, including networking opportunities, career development resources, exclusive discounts, mentorship programs, and the chance to be part of a supportive community of women in STEM.

9. How can I join AWIS?

To join AWIS, simply follow the steps outlined on their website. Membership is open to anyone who supports gender equality in STEM fields, and joining provides access to a wealth of resources and opportunities.

10. What makes AWIS a valuable community for female students in STEM?

AWIS is a valuable community for female students in STEM because it provides a supportive network of like-minded individuals who are passionate about promoting gender equality in the field. AWIS offers resources, events, and opportunities that can empower and inspire female students to pursue successful careers in STEM.


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